Stories of Love and Faith from Japan Part 4:
My Experiences with the Holy Spirit
Now It Can Be Told!
Since I have left the Family International I have experienced a deepening of my relationship with the Holy Spirit like never
before, and I felt that He wanted me to share some of the experiences I have had over the years.
When I first got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit in 1970, I wasn't looking for a feeling, but for the first 3 weeks
I was on cloud 9. I Had been delivered from drugs and alcohol, I mean bad problem.
The Holy Spirit first began manifesting in my life as a witness, and speaking in tongues. I also prophesied at meetings, and
had the gift of memorizing scripture, and understanding the Bible classes I was being taught the first time, so well I could
turn around and teach them to incoming new converts and disciples.
But I will never forget that first three weeks as I was on a constant "high" , nothing like drugs or alcohol, nothing can
compare to it. I felt the Love of God like I don't know what and it doesn't do any good to try to explain because you can't
really do the subject justice, but I can try.
After that three weeks things became more down to earth and I lost that initial high feeling that was better than drugs,
better than sex or anything I had ever felt before.
That was it, the Lord did not want me to get hung up on a feeling, like that old 60's song by BJ Thomas, "Hooked on a Feeling"
I was hooked on a feeling. An awesome experience with the Holy Spirit.
I didn't experience that again until I came to Japan. I prayed one day, "Lord , give be a double portion of the Spirit " and
I was immobilized. I was lying there on my bed, unable to move as the
biggest rush I had ever experienced ran through my entire body from head to toe, and all I could do was go, "whoa! Thank you
Jesus! Inside my mind, because I could not talk. I tried , but only sounds would come out, like tongues.
I was thinking, " I can't take much more of this. That's why the flesh cannot exist in the world of the spirit, because "whatsoever
is born of the flesh is flesh and whatsoever is born of the Spirit is spirit"
So I know that what the prophets experienced and saw in the Spirit,they could not possibly have been in their flesh. The flesh
cannot stand the ecstasies of the Spirit.
I was experiencing the ecstasy of the Spirit and didn't know what it was.
Since that time I have again experienced that state called "ecstasy" again and again when I wasn't expecting it in the least,
nor was I seeking for it. It just came upon me suddenly, unexpectedly, and when I did, it was usually when I had been going
through some hard times, of which there were many, but the Lord never failed to see me through.
The "ecstasy" of the Spirit was an extra special blessing of the unconditional love of God that I never really expected. The
Holy Spirit was always so sweet and encouraging.
I learned not to depend upon this feeling of ecstasy, as one can become just as addicted to it as to drugs or alcohol, and
I felt the Lord wanted me to learn to live more by faith instead of feelings.
So I grounded myself in the Word of God and His Word about His never failing love for me. This helped me through many more
hard times I had , and saw me through the battles.
Other times , when I was praying in tongues or just reading the Bible, I would be overwhelmed by the spirit of God so much
that I would cry , sometimes uncontrollably, but not for sadness. I believe that the tears were the Holy Spirit crying through
me, for lost souls.
Then there were times, and I still do experience this regularly , that I am just taken up in such happiness and feel such
joy that it is so overwhelming, I don't care about what is happening around me, or who is there.
It is what the Bible calls, "Joy unspeakable and full of glory".
All that matters is that I know God loves me unconditionally , and that He is not judging me according to my performance.
This has created in me a desire to love God in return, and be willing to so what He asks me to do.
I have found that what the Holy Spirit usually leads me to do is within the routine of my daily life, in witnessing and sharing
the Bible with others, and not apart from the norm.
There are times , however , that the Holy Spirit will lead me to do something out of the ordinary, or out of the protocol
, beyond what is the accepted thing, and when I obey, there is good fruit.
I hope to be able to relate more of these experiences in this series, as the Holy Spirit brings them to mind, as they be many,
spread out over a long period of serving the Lord on the mission field of Japan.
These experiences help me to know that the Holy Spirit really does exist and now , instead of living as neighbors for so many
years, we have moved in together and I am getting to know the Holy Spirit more intimately than ever.
He is the one who connects me to Jesus and the Father when I pray. He is the one who intercedes for me, as well as Jesus,
of course. He is the one who prays through me when I am praying in tongues and know not what to pray for.
The Holy Spirit , as Jesus promised , is my constant guide and companion, teacher, and much much more and many more things
I am beginning to learn.
The Holy spirit never speaks of Himself or glorifies himself , but always glorifies Jesus.
Born again believers have inside them the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.
Who needs other spirits? They are nothing , nothing in comparison with the Holy Spirit, the real one.
NO , it is wrong to think that you need more spirits to help you other than the Holy Spirit. Yes there are guardian angels,
who are assigned to protect and fight for us. Yes there are angels who are sent on assignments to do things for us.
But there is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT, who is with us and guides us. We need no other spirit guides.
The Holy Spirit IS the Spirit who was sent by Jesus , from the Father, as in John 14-16, a great class on the Holy Spirit.
Seeking any other spirit, or Keys, or Key craft is idolatry. Seeking or praying or calling upon any other spiritual deity
is spiritual fornication and idolatry and rebellion, which the Bible also called witchcraft.
Why isn't God good enough for you? Why do you need to seek unto other spirits who are not of God? Why do you need to call
upon familiar spirits who only seek to do you or others harm?
There are no good spirits other than the Holy Spirit of God and the angels He send to protect us and fight for us, and defend
Why seek ye the living among the dead? why seek the dead spirits of the departed? They are not here , they are risen and either
in heaven or hell and not allowed to cross over into this world.
The spirits you are dealing with are not spirits of the departed , but the disembodied spirits of rebellious beings who lost
the war between Heaven and this earth when they rebelled.
The Bible says not to drink of the cup of the Lord's and the cup of devils. You cannot be fellow-shipping with the Holy Spirit
AND evil spirits at the same time.
The sweet and precious Holy Spirit is so real and so humble. So wonderful and awesome that there can be no mistaken identity
when you are thrilled by His ecstatic power.
But these other counterfeit spirits only expose themselves with their sensationalism and desire for recognition, to be seen
and heard, so they may manifest themselves through humans, in order for them to be able to fulfill the urges of their fallen
It is so obvious, and the true pure nature of the Holy Spirit cannot be counterfeited. The only ones who are deceived are
the ones who do not yet KNOW what it is like to have a true relationship with the true Holy Spirit of God. And that is why
they are seeking after other spirits to satisfy their spiritual cravings, their spiritual hunger.
I know, because I have experienced the true nature of the Holy Spirit, which the counterfeiters, the lying deceitful spirits
cannot copy. They are a false copy, an inferior counterfeit.
They expose themselves through their nature. Jesus told them to shut up and come out! They cannot do the works of the Holy
Spirit. They cannot anoint the saints with God's power.
What happens, can you tell me? What happens when you call upon the Keys? What happens? What have you seen happen immediately?
Have you seen it heal any diseases? A few headaches maybe or things you have been praying for a long time, may eventually
get an answer if you keep at it.
But let me tell you what I have seen and heard of that the Holy Spirit has done and IS doing today and right now, this minute.
Let me tell you that the minute you call upon the Father in the name of Jesus to heal someone, the Holy Spirit goes to work
INSTANTLY and you will see IMMEDIATE results!
You will see on the spot life changes, and miracles that are not possible to get by calling on a set of keys or key craft.
Faith, what is it? Do you have faith in God's Word? Do you have faith in what Jesus said when He said to speak to your mountain?
You speak to that pain, you speak to that disease, that problem no matter what it is . YOu speak to that car that has broken
down, unless you know you weren't faithful to do your part and change the oil, or do the proper maintenance.
You speak right to , directly to the problem in Jesus name and command it in the name of Jesus to go. You claim your authority
as a child of God, and TELL that devil to get out, you command him to leave in Jesus name. NOT in the power of the keys, not
in this key or that key.
The keys are your authority to unlock the doors. Not some spiritual entity that is flying around your house outside.
If you don't know your authority in jesus name, you will never get miracles by claiming any amount of keys , because you don't
know how the Holy Spirit is grieved by all of this "craft".
You may call it "Key Craft" but the Bible calls it rebelliousness against the Word of God and rebellion is as the sin of witch-craft,
not key-craft.
Where are your miracles? You may have people who see visions of devils and angels, but let me tell you that even Satan himself
can appear as an angel of light, and you know that but yet you do not see that truth.
So who are you going to believe? Signs and wonders? Or are you going to believe God's Word. What spirit are you going to follow?
Spirit guides? Or the true Holy Spirit of God who never leaves our side and is always there to comfort and guide and teach
, just as Jesus said.
And The Holy Spirit is not a woman. Why get hung up in sex with God? Isn't sex a thing of the flesh, and why did God create
it? To illustrate His union with us in the Spirit, how He wants to be with us in the Spirit , which has nothing to do with
masturbating to Jesus whatsoever.
The Bible says you walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. You need to know who the Holy Spirit
is and what He came to do.
What can you tell me about your experiences with the Holy Spirit? I want to hear about what the Holy Spirit has done in your
life, and through your whole life and how you have been led and guided by the Holy Spirit, not some familiar spirit that has
been around since Adam.
If you don't have real peace , real joy, and real love in your heart, but are fearful, stressed out,
worried and anxious about the future, your family and children, your situation and uncertain about the future, then you need
a renewal of the Holy Spirit in your life, and get connected to the real power of God.
It's like the difference between getting high from taking drugs and real lasting joy. There is really no comparison. Once
you have experienced that true love of God and true connection with the real genuine Holy Spirit of God, you will know there
can be no substitute. There can be no counterfeit.
The Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of God, not a female pagan goddess that comes down to have sex with men. What the Holy Spirit
has to offer is many times better than sex! It can't even compare!
May you also find the peace and joy and the love of the Spirit , the true love and POWER of God
in your life that will give you happiness, heal your sicknesses, keep you in health and cause you to prosper, as you read
, meditate and act on His Word in your daily life!
Once you experience the true Holy Spirit of God and all He has for you, you will not want to settle
for any substitute! The Holy Spirit will shower you with gifts, knowledge, wisdom, love, patience, meekness, long-suffering,
love and more love, peace and joy.
The Holy Spirit will shower you with the gifts of the Spirit, and you will prophesy like never before, speak in tongues in
adoration and worship of your Lord, heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and do greater works than these Jesus
The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you as your ultimate spirit guide and helper, counsellor, teacher, and close companion
who sticks closer than a brother.
Get rid of any spirits that are not of God and that would be any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit of God. The angels you
cannot communicate with and the departed are not allowed to communicate with you unless there is a very special reason such
as in the case of Moses and Elijah on the mount of transfiguration. And Elijah wasn't dead, he was taken in his physical body!
Just like Enoch!
But the Holy Spirit is willing and waiting for your call. He will answer your deepest need and knows all because He IS God,
the third person of the Godhead. All knowing , all powerful, and all present, also all wise and all loving.
As you repent and rid yourself of all these counterfeit familiar spirits and spirits of divination, and call out to the Father
, and Jesus and seek closer fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will reveal himself to you more and more, and
you will enter into a relationship with God you only have dreamed of up until now.
You too can experience the ecstasies and thrills of the Spirit of God, you will experience the fruitfulness of immediate results
of calling upon the true power of God for your own needs and for the benefit of others.
The Holy Spirit will never disappoint you, but will always , without fail, fully satisfy beyond your wildest imaginations.
This I know from experience.
You may wonder what to do with the spirits you have collected over the years who you are so used to fellowship with and counsel
with and even hear from.
I will tell you what to do with them. Cast them out, and send them to their dry place that they dread to go to . They are
only happy as long as they have a human that they can manifest their fallen nature through.
Don't forget the story of Tom and Mr. Machowski.
Get ahold of the real true and genuine Spirit of God now, before it is too late, and you suffer for your rebellion against
God. Not that God is angry at you, but there is still the devil to pay , as he is the fiddler who will one of these days come
to collect what is duly his.
Do not wait until that day comes! It may be too late! There are those who would still be with us today if they had only heeded
the voice of the Holy Spirit instead of all the other voices they were hearing inside of their head.
If they had a relationship with the Holy Spirit , they would still be with us today! INstead they followed other voices. Other
spirits that promised them happiness, but only delivered death and destruction and misery.
The Holy Spirit will never do that! That is not the true nature of God! God will never give you misery and suffering. That
is the job of the destroyer!
The Holy Spirit is gentle, loving , and kind above all that is in Heaven and Earth. That is the nature of God.
Call upon the Holy Spirit for your comfort, joy , peace and ask Him to help you to pray. He will.
You will not be disappointed. Do not wait another day! The Holy Spirit grieves for you and loves you, and is patiently waiting
for you!
Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Luk 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall [your] heavenly Father
give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
Jhn 11:33 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and
was troubled,
Jhn 14:17 [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye
know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Jhn 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth
from the Father, he shall testify of me:
Jhn 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons
and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
God Bless You!